.Mov is a Co-presentation by Whippersnapper and Pleasuredome
Curated by Mohammad Rezaei, Joshua Vettivelu, Iain Soder and Jonathan Carroll
January 9 - February 4, 2015
Whippersnapper Gallery’s Sidewalk Screening returns for a second year, highlighting the next generation of Canadian video and .gif artists. Sidewalk Screening will be presented as ongoing nightly projections at the galleryspace, each exhibition accompanied by an external event.
From January 9th – February 15th, 2015, under the umbrella of Sidewalk Screening, Whippersnapper presents two consecutive exhibitions and and two screening events. An online catalogue will be launched in early January featuring a commissioned essay written by Natasha Chaykowski.
A selection of diverse video works, complex in their style and execution, .MOV kicks off with a screening & launch at Buddies in Bad Times. VJs/Curators Iain, Josh and Mohammad will introduce works throughout the evening, between the DJ styles of Cameron Lee, beers, and fresh tunes.
Sidewalkscreening.mov features:
Julia Kansas, Lisa Folkerson, Austin Taylor, Fake Injury Party, Cindy Kim, Karen Hawes, Blessie Anne Maturan, Vincent Chevalier, Stephen Cutler, Neil Moignard, José Andrés Mora, Aiden Holmans, Chris Heller, Taylor Doyle, Rosalie Mahuex, Kailey Bryan, Mee Rose, Sean Grounds, Brianna Lowe, Ricky Sonethasack, Clair Wright, hanski, & Nabeela Vega.
Whippersnapper Gallery graciously acknowledges the support of Canada Council For the Arts in making this project possible.