wet like an open vowel sound
October 14 - November 26, 2022
by Joy Wong 黄祖欣
As a site of physical and metaphorical fermentation, wet like an open vowel sound is a project on the materiality of culture. In its microbiological sense, bacterial culture is what allows fermented foods to flourish, creating a lineage of symbiosis and care. Culture of a people is similarly codependent and influenced by events and places. Access to the first mother, or the original culture from the initial batch created, becomes both impossible and inherent in the procedure of fermentation. Attempts to trace a clear line of descendance can fail, although the lineage is responsible for the microbial colony's current state. This impossible site of origin allows reflections on nuances of motherlands and where generations of both human and nonhuman life can thrive. What are the biological and material limitations of accessing a matrix, a starter, a contaminated place of origin, a motherland?
Gallery Hours: Thursday - Saturday 3-7pm
Kombucha and fermentation exchange workshop + artist talk
November 17, 2022.
Scadding Court Community Centre
This workshop facilitated by Joy Wong engages in mutual knowledge exchange with members of the local Chinese seniors community at SCCC by sharing fermentation practices and recipes. Wong demonstrates how to make kombucha and how to harvest and create SCOBY leather. Community members are invited to share their processes of fermenting foods such as mustard greens or rice beverages.
*Thank you to Wendy Yang and Scadding Court Community Centre for their generous collaboration